Individual tests

It's an IgG mediated food hypersensitivity reaction towards specific food products that lead to detrimental reaction, often delayed type and after long term ingestion towards specific food items, beverages, food additive or compound found in foods, that produces symptoms in one or more body organs and systems. The test should not be confused with food allergy (IgE) where the symptoms are more specific and identifiable.
AFP is a type of tumor marker produced by cancer cells or normal cells in response to cancer. High levels of AFP can indicate cancer of the liver, ovaries, or testicles. However, other non-cancerous conditions can also increase AFP levels, so this test alone can't fully diagnose cancer.
PROTIA Allergy-Q 64 Food panel is an in vitro diagnostic test in the quantitative determination of allergen-specific IgE concentrations in human serum or plasma using Immunoblotting technique. Diagnose 44 types of food allergens including Total IgE in one process.
PROTIA Allergy-Q 64 Food panel is an in vitro diagnostic test in the quantitative determination of allergen-specific IgE concentrations in human serum or plasma using Immunoblotting technique. Diagnose 72 types of food allergens including Total IgE in one process.
An ANA test is a blood test that looks for antinuclear antibodies, which attack healthy cells. It's normal to have a few antinuclear antibodies in your blood. But too many may indicate an autoimmune disorder, such as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, Addison disease, or autoimmune hepatitis.
Cardiolipin is a blood fat that is important for clotting. When antibodies attack cardiolipin, blood clots can occur. Platelets, blood cells that help with clotting, get used up, leading to problems with bleeding. These antibodies are often high in people with abnormal blood clotting, autoimmune diseases like systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), or repeated miscarriages.
Cardiolipin is a blood fat that is important for clotting. When antibodies attack cardiolipin, blood clots can occur. Platelets, blood cells that help with clotting, get used up, leading to problems with bleeding. These antibodies are often high in people with abnormal blood clotting, autoimmune diseases like systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), or repeated miscarriages.