Individual tests

It's an IgG mediated food hypersensitivity reaction towards specific food products that lead to detrimental reaction, often delayed type and after long term ingestion towards specific food items, beverages, food additive or compound found in foods, that produces symptoms in one or more body organs and systems. The test should not be confused with food allergy (IgE) where the symptoms are more specific and identifiable.
PROTIA Allergy-Q 64 Food panel is an in vitro diagnostic test in the quantitative determination of allergen-specific IgE concentrations in human serum or plasma using Immunoblotting technique. Diagnose 44 types of food allergens including Total IgE in one process.
PROTIA Allergy-Q 64 Food panel is an in vitro diagnostic test in the quantitative determination of allergen-specific IgE concentrations in human serum or plasma using Immunoblotting technique. Diagnose 72 types of food allergens including Total IgE in one process.
The fecal occult blood test (FOBT) checks stool samples for hidden (occult) blood. Occult blood in the stool may indicate colon cancer or polyps in the colon or rectum — though not all cancers or polyps bleed. If blood is detected through a fecal occult blood test, additional tests such as a colonoscopy may help determine the source of the bleeding. The fecal occult blood test can only detect the presence or absence of blood — it can't determine what's causing the bleeding.
T3 is one of two major hormones from your thyroid that regulates how your body uses energy. It's also important in controlling your weight, body temperature, muscle strength, and nervous system. This test measures free circulating T3, excluding that bound to carrier proteins. It aids diagnosis of, or following the treatment for, hyperthyroidism.
Free T4 is the active form of the thyroxine hormone that enters your tissues where needed. Your thyroid, which controls how your body uses energy, produces thyroxine. These hormones affect your weight, heart, body temperature, muscle strength, and mood. A T4 test checks how well your thyroid is working.