Individual tests

Electrolytes are minerals that help control the amount of fluids and the Ph balance in your body. An electrolyte panel includes: - Sodium, which helps control the body's fluids and ensures that nerves and muscles work properly. - Chloride, which also helps control the body's fluids and maintains healthy blood volume and blood pressure. - Potassium, which helps your heart and muscles work properly.
A blood alcohol test may be used for many purposes, including legal evidence, testing for alcohol poisoning, or monitoring treatment for alcohol abuse. This test also helps identify the cause of an unknown coma since alcohol intoxication can mimic a diabetic coma, cerebral trauma, or drug overdose.
The fecal occult blood test (FOBT) checks stool samples for hidden (occult) blood. Occult blood in the stool may indicate colon cancer or polyps in the colon or rectum — though not all cancers or polyps bleed. If blood is detected through a fecal occult blood test, additional tests such as a colonoscopy may help determine the source of the bleeding. The fecal occult blood test can only detect the presence or absence of blood — it can't determine what's causing the bleeding.
Folic acid is a form of vitamin B9. It helps the body make healthy new cells. For women who may get pregnant, it is really important. Getting enough folic acid before and during pregnancy can prevent birth defects in your baby's brain or spine.
Morphine is a substance that has analgesic properties but also causes sedation, euphoria, respiratory depression, and orthostatic hypotension. Chronic use can lead to tolerance and dependence. Clinical monitoring of compliance or illegal use measures these analytes.
Iron homeostasis diseases are common and may be attributed to either iron deficiency or overload. Iron deficiency can result from increased loss or inadequate absorption of iron. Iron overload occurs when there is an excess in the binding capacity of transferrin. Iron overload may also occur during the catabolism of red cells. Iron levels are used to help diagnose specific types of anemia.