Individual tests

It is a quantitative test to measure the level of IgG antibodies of Gnasthostoma in blood
Morphine is a substance that has analgesic properties but also causes sedation, euphoria, respiratory depression, and orthostatic hypotension. Chronic use can lead to tolerance and dependence. Clinical monitoring of compliance or illegal use measures these analytes.
Immunoglobulin A (IgA) is mainly found in saliva, tears, respiratory and gastric secretions, and breast milk. IgA protects against infection in the respiratory tract (sinus and lungs) and the gastrointestinal tract (stomach and intestines). This test checks your immune system for disorders if you are often sick with infections or diarrhea and can help detect certain types of cancer.
IgG antibodies are essential for fighting bacterial and viral infections. Most of the immunoglobulins in your blood are IgG. This test helps check your immune system health if you are often sick with infections or diarrhea. It also detects certain types of autoimmune disorders and cancer.
IgM (Immunoglobulin M) are your immune system's largest antibodies. They provide general but short-term protection against new infections. This test checks immune system health if you are frequently sick with infections or diarrhea and helps detect autoimmune disorders and certain types of cancer.
Iron homeostasis diseases are common and may be attributed to either iron deficiency or overload. Iron deficiency can result from increased loss or inadequate absorption of iron. Iron overload occurs when there is an excess in the binding capacity of transferrin. Iron overload may also occur during the catabolism of red cells. Iron levels are used to help diagnose specific types of anemia.
Magnesium is a charged electrolyte mineral. It is responsible for many important bodily functions and processes, including ensuring your muscles, nerves, and heart work properly and controlling blood pressure and blood sugar.