Individual tests

Creatinine is a waste byproduct of normal muscle activity. The kidneys remove creatinine from the blood and it is then excreted through urine. A creatinine clearance test assesses how well the kidneys filter blood and is important for detecting and monitoring kidney problems.
Your kidneys have tiny filters called glomeruli which remove waste and excess fluid from blood. A glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is a blood test that checks how well your kidneys work by estimating how much blood passes through these filters each minute.
HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus. It weakens a person’s immune system by destroying important cells that fight disease and infection. There is currently no effective cure for HIV. However, with proper medical care, the condition can be controlled. When people with HIV do not get treatment, they typically progress through three stages. Stage 1, the most contagious phase, involves acute infection with flu-like symptoms. Stage 2 is a chronic infection with no symptoms, but HIV is still transmissible at this stage. Stage 3 is Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), the most severe stage of HIV infection, with an increasing number of opportunistic infections or other serious illnesses.
Quantitative HIV-1 RNA is a quantitative test for RNA of the human immunodeficiency virus, belonging to the HIV-1 group. Quantitative HIV-1 RNA aids in diagnosis, treatment monitoring, disease prognosis and assessment of treatment response to antiretroviral drugs by measuring qualitative HIV-1 RNA in plasma.
The urea breath test can aid in diagnosing H.pylori infection - a peptic ulcer pathogen. The test can also be used to assess therapy when administered more than a month after the completion of therapy.