Individual tests

Fibrinogen is one of several proteins in the body referred to as clotting factors. These work together to form blood clots and stop bleeding when your body’s tissues or blood vessels are damaged. Fibrinogen testing helps evaluate and monitor symptoms like excessive bleeding or abnormal blockages in veins or arteries.
Testosterone is known as a "male" sex hormone, but females also have smaller amounts. It causes body hair, muscle growth, and a deepening voice after puberty in males. It controls sex drive, muscle mass, and helps make sperm. In females, testosterone is important for the growth of bones and muscles. A free testosterone levels test can help diagnose early or delayed puberty.
FSH works closely with another hormone called LH to control sexual functions. In women, these tests help find the cause of infertility, assess ovarian function, find the reason for irregular or stopped menstrual periods, and confirm the start of menopause or perimenopause. In men, these tests can find the cause of infertility, the reason for a low sperm count, or a problem with the testicles. In children, these tests can help diagnose early or delayed puberty.
IGF-1 is a hormone that manages the human growth hormone's (GH) effects. Together, IGF-1 and GH promote the normal growth of bones and tissues. GH levels in the blood fluctuate depending on your diet and activity levels, but IGF-1 levels remain stable. So, an IGF-1 test is useful for determining if your body is making a normal amount of GH. The test helps diagnose growth disorders.
PTH is a hormone your parathyroid glands make, which helps control the calcium level in your blood. If calcium blood levels are too low, your parathyroid glands will release PTH to raise calcium levels. If calcium levels are too high, these glands will stop making PTH. This test helps diagnose hyperparathyroidism (too much PTH) and hypoparathyroidism (too little PTH), monitor kidney disease, and determine whether high calcium blood levels relate to parathyroid glands.
Luteinizing hormone (LH) is synthesized and secreted by gonadotropes in the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland. Along with the follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), it is essential for proper reproductive function. In females, an acute rise of LH triggers ovulation; in males, it stimulates Leydig cell production of testosterone. This test typically finds the cause of infertility or irregular or stopped menstrual periods.