Individual tests

T3 is one of two major hormones from your thyroid that regulates how your body uses energy. It's also important in controlling your weight, body temperature, muscle strength, and nervous system. This test measures free circulating T3, excluding that bound to carrier proteins. It aids diagnosis of, or following the treatment for, hyperthyroidism.
Free T4 is the active form of the thyroxine hormone that enters your tissues where needed. Your thyroid, which controls how your body uses energy, produces thyroxine. These hormones affect your weight, heart, body temperature, muscle strength, and mood. A T4 test checks how well your thyroid is working.
Interleukin-6 (IL-6) is a protein that helps regulate immune responses, which makes the IL-6 test potentially useful as a marker of immune system activation. This test may be used to help evaluate a person who has a condition associated with inflammation, such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, or with infections like sepsis.