Individual tests

17-OH-Progesterone test is used for screening and diagnosing Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH).
The test measures a hormone called hCG, produced during pregnancy by the placenta and found in the blood and urine. Testing for hCG can be done as early as ten days after conception to determine if you are pregnant. Measuring hCG can also help identify potential complications.
This tests for potential exposure to pesticide chemicals called organophosphates. It also helps diagnose liver disease, aids assessments before anesthesia with the muscle relaxant succinylcholine, and helps determine the cause of prolonged apnea after surgical anesthesia.
Copper is an essential mineral that the body incorporates into enzymes. These enzymes play a role in the regulation of iron metabolism, the formation of connective tissue, energy production within cells, and the function of the nervous system. The test helps diagnose and monitor Wilson disease, sometimes identifying a copper deficiency or excess.