Immunochemical testing includes many different types of tests such as allergy tests, cancer screening, blood type tests, pregnancy tests, … In addition, immunoassays are combined with some tests. Other screening also helps detect birth defects in the fetus, such as Down syndrome.

Each different test will help the patient be able to detect different diseases. Below is information you will need to know more about this test.

What Does Immunochemical Testing Mean?

Immunochemical tests are performed to help patients early detect dangerous diseases such as infections, cancer diseases such as esophageal cancer, ovarian cancer, liver cancer, sugar cancer, digestion, allergic diseases, blood type testing. From there, it helps doctors to easily predict the disease as well as have appropriate treatment methods.

Immunochemical tests are performed to help patients early detect certain diseases
such as cancer, blood type testing, allergies, pregnancy tests, …

Immunochemical assays are used based on the human immune system. When bacteria or foreign substances enter the body, the immune system produces antibodies to fight them.

These antibodies are proteins, they can bind to a specific bacterium or substance, cause bacteria and foreign substances to neutralize them, and attract other immune cells to destroy the pathogen.

The immunochemical tests will now help detect bacteria or foreign substances in the body to make it easier to treat. Immunochemical assays are used inside laboratories through the creation of artificial antibodies that are accurate and suitable for pathogenic bacteria or foreign substances.

When these antibodies come into contact with the blood, feces, or urine they will bind with the appropriate bacteria or foreign substance is found in the sample.

Immune methods include:

  • Immune turbidity measurement
  • Electroluminescent electrochemical immunity
  • Photoluminescent immunization
After conducting the test, doctors will rely on the test indicators to diagnose
and recommend appropriate treatment for the patient

What Is Included In Immunochemical Test?

Current common immunoassays include:

1. Get tested for allergies

According to experts, an allergy is one of the immune system’s reactions. The external manifestations of an allergy can be a red rash on the skin, sneezing, runny nose, tears, … Allergy can appear through:

  • Gastrointestinal tract: when the sick person eats strange foods that cause reactions in the body such as eating shrimp, crab, some vegetables or nuts, …
  • Inhalation: Patients can smell something that causes sneezing, … or contact with the nose or lungs caused by pollen or foreign objects in the air.
  • Contact route: allergies can also be caused by exposure to allergens when the patient comes into contact with the skin, making your skin itchy, red, …

Therefore, performing an allergy test helps doctors find the body’s antibodies against allergens as above.

Allergy tests help doctors find the body’s antibodies against allergens

2. Urine test

To check whether a patient has a urinary tract infection, diabetes, or kidney failure, the doctor prescribes a urine test. The doctor will quickly diagnose and detect inflammatory cells, blood, sugar, and protein.

3. Blood type test

Immunochemical testing is also one of the methods to help doctors know the exact blood type of a patient. That helps a lot in giving and receiving blood when treating some diseases.

4. Cancer screening

Cancer screening is also one of the most common types of immunological tests. Depending on the condition of each patient, doctors can choose different cancer screening methods such as biopsy, blood, marrow fluid, X-ray, endoscopy, ultrasound, … This cancer test method helps doctors detect cancer cells in many different organs in the body such as the liver, lung, colorectal, breast, prostate, stomach, gland. thyroid, digestive system, …

5. Pregnancy test

The immunoassay mechanism is applied in commercially available pregnancy test strips

Immune testing also helps you to check if you are pregnant. Currently, the immune testing mechanism is applied in the commercially marketed pregnancy test strips through the detection of pregnancy hormones, rapid detection of HCG – Beta in urine, and quantification of Beta – HCG in the blood. …

During pregnancy, maternal HCG levels appear and increase gradually throughout the pregnancy. Thanks to the ability to detect the pregnancy hormone HCG in the urine, when using a pregnancy test, you only need to dip the test in the urine to give an accurate result. If the test result is 2 bars, it means that you are pregnant, if one line is not pregnant.

In addition, immunological testing when combined with some other screening tests also helps detect birth defects in the fetus, such as Down syndrome.

6. Detect pathogens

In order to accurately detect the names of the bacteria that cause the disease, immunochemical testing is necessary, especially with the development of today’s society, problems such as environmental pollution, non-pollution. gas, … makes people susceptible to disease.

However, depending on the individual and the specific case, the doctor will determine whether the patient performs this test method or not.

7. Quickly try medications

Immunological testing is also one of the ways to quickly detect drugs that affect the nervous system such as drugs, morphine, marijuana, cocaine, ecstasy, synthetic drugs, etc.

How Do I Prepare For An Immunochemical Test

Provide complete, detailed and accurate information to help doctors better understand your health condition

When performing immunological tests, patients should fast for 8-10 hours to get the most accurate test results.

  • Get tested in the morning.
  • During the test, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions of medical staff and doctors.
  • Do not take any medicine about 24 hours before the test, whether it is supplements, vitamin supplements, epilepsy medications, anticoagulants, … determine the time of use and the dose used to inform the doctor.
  • Eating too much, drinking too little water or exercising too much, having sex can all affect the test results.
  • Do not use alcohol, beer, stimulants such as cigarettes, coffee, … because they may affect your test results.
  • When undergoing immunological testing, if you are asked questions about health status, diet, activities, … by doctors, you need to answer honestly. Concealment can interfere with doctors in performing the test. Provide complete, detailed, and accurate information to help doctors better understand your health condition, from which to give the most appropriate advice.
  • In general, you do not need to prepare too much before going for an immunoassay, the most important thing is to follow the instructions of your doctor and nurse.

When the test is done, the doctor will use immunological testing techniques to do it. The immune test index tells what doctors will rely on, combined with clinical examination or perform some other tests (if necessary) to make the most accurate diagnosis.

With the above information about immunochemical assays. Hope to help you better understand this type of test before you do it. When choosing tests, you should choose reputable medical facilities with a team of highly skilled medical doctors and doctors with modern equipment to have the most accurate test results.

The periodic health examination is a necessary job that doctors recommend everyone to do every 6 months to protect their health and your life. In addition, it is necessary to listen to the body to promptly handle it when an abnormality occurs.

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The site cannot and does not contain medical advice. The medical information is provided for general informational and educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional advice. Accordingly, before taking any actions based upon such information. We encourage you to consult with the appropriate professionals.