Individual tests

A blood type can be classified into four common groups known as the ABO system: A, B, AB, or O. A second system, the Rh system, determines if the blood type is Rh-positive or -negative. Blood typing is a common test before blood transfusions, tissue transplants, and during pregnancy.
A blood type can be classified into four common groups known as the ABO system: A, B, AB, or O. A second system, the Rh system, determines if the blood type is Rh-positive or negative. The ABO type and an Rh test from cord blood determine the newborn's RH and blood type.
Personal use only test to confirm bloodline genetic DNA relationship between a child and a relative on the father's side.
Personal use only test to confirm bloodline genetic DNA relationship between a child and a parent.
Legally valid test to confirm bloodline genetic DNA relationship between a child and a parent to obtain a birth certificate.
Legally valid test to confirm bloodline genetic DNA relationship between a child and a parent or grandparent to obtain another legal document which is NOT a birth certificate.
Personal use only test to confirm bloodline genetic DNA relationship between a child and a relative on the mother's side.
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