
Learn About 5 Divine Uses of Vitamin C

It’s a vitamin trusted by the whole family, but how much do you know about the benefits of vitamin C? Let’s learn about 5 divine uses with Diag.


1. What Is Vitamin C?

Vitamin C is a water-soluble nutrient that your body cannot produce on its own. However, you will find it in many foods, especially red or green fruits and vegetables, such as bell peppers, kiwi, cauliflower, broccoli, or tomatoes. And, of course in succulent fruits, such as oranges and lemons.

The nutrients in vitamin C help to:

– Produce collagen, increase skin elasticity and firmness of other parts of the body, such as bones, tendons, and connective tissues.

– Filter out compounds that are not needed by the body and may cause impaired cell function.

– Heal wounds, strengthen the immune system, and improve the body’s ability to absorb iron.

Signs Of Vitamin C Deficiency


When you have a vitamin C deficiency, you may notice symptoms such as:

– Being easy to bruise

– Bleeding gums or nose

– Weakness

– Fatigue

– Rash

2. How to Use Vitamin C?

Amount of Vitamin C Needed Daily

According to the National Institutes of Health in the US, the amount of vitamin C that people are recommended to consume each day is broken down by age as follows:

Age Amount of Vitamin C
0-6 months 40 mg
7-12 months 50 mg
1-3 years 15 mg
4-8 years 25 mg
9-13 years 45 mg
14-18 years – 65 mg (Female) | 75 mg (Male)
– 80 mg (Pregnancy)
– 115 mg (Breastfeeding)
19 and above – 75 mg (Female) | 90 mg (Male)
– 85 mg (Pregnancy)
– 120 mg (Breastfeeding)

Who Should Take Vitamin C Supplements?

– Smokers or people living in an environment affected by smoke.

– Newborns who only consume condensed milk or formula.

– People who eat only a narrow range of food.

– Pregnant or lactating women that need vitamin C in their diet.

– Individuals with health problems, especially those whose digestive system cannot absorb the nutrients loaded into the body.

Studies have not shown that vitamin C is an effective treatment for common colds. However, subjects who live physically active lives should take vitamin C supplements.

3. Benefits Of Vitamin C
Anti-Aging and Good For Skin

Vitamin C is great for your skin as it contains antioxidants, which slow the aging process and help maintain your appearance. It also helps to brighten and even skin tone, preventing dark spots and limiting the appearance of wrinkles.


With so many positive effects, vitamin C is almost a skin care product in its own right. It is also valued for the role it plays in protecting the eyes and keeping them bright and sharp.

Preventing Cancer And Protecting the Heart

The antioxidants found in vitamin C have the potential to protect you against serious health problems like cancer, heart disease, or high blood pressure.

However, studies also show that vitamin C as an individual nutrient does not offer complete protection against cardiovascular diseases and cancer but actively reduces the risk of disease.

>>> You should consider: Cancer Screening Test Panel

Helps Absorb Iron Effectively

When the body processes Vitamin C, it is very “friendly” with other nutrients and helps supplement minerals such as iron.
Iron supports the overall development of the body, improves the ability to transport oxygen, and ensures the stability of hormones.

Boosts Immune System Health

Vitamin C has positive effects on the immune system as it helps the body avoid oxidative stress and tissue damage while also helping to balance beneficial bacteria and destroy microorganisms.


Improved Memory And Brain Function

Vitamin C plays an important role in nerve response – affecting the brain’s cognitive ability and the transmission of information from the brain to the rest of the body.

According to a 2017 study, subjects with cognitive impairment had lower levels of vitamin C in the body than normal subjects.

Source: Healthline, EVERYDAY HEALTH, Verywell Health 

* The article is written in consultation with Diag’s medical experts. However, the above information is for reference only and is not a substitute for medical advice. Before taking any action based on the information provided, please consult with a medical professional.

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