Liver cancer is a very dangerous disease that can easily lead to death. Signs of liver cancer are often difficult to recognize, sometimes confused with other diseases. Noticing abnormal health-related changes, possibly warnings related to liver function, is of great significance, helping to quickly treat the disease at an early stage and increase the recovery rate for the patient.

How To Look For Signs Of Liver Cancer?

Signs of liver cancer usually change with the course of the disease. When the disease is in a late-stage, new signs begin to appear clearly.

But at this time, the patient’s health has been seriously affected, difficult to completely treat, and can only help the patient prolong life through medical methods such as surgery, radiation therapy, and medication.

How to recognize the signs of liver cancer at an early stage

Therefore, the recognition of signs of early-stage liver cancer has a very important meaning. The signs of liver cancer you can recognize are as follows:

1. Fatigue

When the body shows abnormal signs of health, fatigue is the most recognizable sign. However, fatigue stemming from overwork usually goes away after a short while when you take a full rest.

But for patients with liver cancer, fatigue usually lasts longer and tends to increase. If you feel tired with signs of impaired liver function, seek medical attention promptly.

2. Gastrointestinal Disorders

Liver cancer reduces liver function, damages the liver, and affects the digestive system. When the patient will have digestive problems, it will reduce the ability to absorb nutrients. Some typical signs of digestive disturbances include loss of appetite, loss of appetite, frequent nausea, and fatigue.

People with liver cancer will experience prolonged digestive disorders

3. Difficult to Control Weight Loss

With liver cancer, the patient feels tired, has anorexia, and digestive disorders that lead to the body’s lack of nutrients to maintain health. This is also the cause of rapid weight loss.

If you lose unexplained weight without any diet, this is a warning sign of health problems that need a diagnosis and early treatment.

When you see the body is tired, lose weight out of control,
you need to go to the hospital to diagnose your health

4. Unusual Swollen Abdomen

The liver is located on the right side of the abdomen, which is one of the large internal organs in the body. When cancer is in the early stages, although it develops silently, it also causes damage to the liver.

Usually, at this stage, the patient will have hepatitis, which leads to an abnormally enlarged liver. Makes the patient feel mild abdominal pain, the area of ​​the abdomen where the liver is larger than normal. You will find your abdomen getting bigger and bigger to the touch if the tumor grows rapidly.

A swollen abdomen is one of the most typical signs of liver cancer. Therefore, the patient needs to regularly monitor and observe the abdomen and quickly go to the hospital to be diagnosed with the most accurate cause by the doctor whether the cause is liver cancer or is caused by any other disease.

5. Dark Urine

When dark urine persists, this is a warning sign of a health problem

Taking antibiotics or drinking bottled soft drinks sometimes causes dark urine. However, if you have a normal routine but persistent dark urine this is a warning sign of problematic health.

Dark urine can be a sign of urinary tract infections or liver cancer in its early stages. The high concentration of Bilirubin in the blood causes urine to turn yellow or brown.

6. Jaundice

The liver has an important function in the metabolism and detoxification of the body. When liver function is impaired, it will reduce the ability to secrete Bilirubin into the bile, causing the concentration of Bilirubin to increase in the blood. This not only darkens the urine but also causes jaundice and yellowing of the eyes.

Jaundice is the most recognizable sign of liver cancer

Thus, jaundice is one of the clinical manifestations when liver function is problematic. Severe jaundice also shows the degree of damage to the liver, which seriously affects health. If you find that you have jaundice, seek medical attention immediately.

7. Has A Prolonged Itching Sensation

Itchy skin often comes from a food or weather allergy, but can also be a warning sign of liver disease. Common allergies will go away on their own or go away due to the short-term use of drugs. But itchy skin caused by disease caused by liver function usually tends to last long and come back again and again.

Itchy skin is not a too dangerous condition, so many people often ignore or mistake it with other common diseases. However, if itchy skin is accompanied by jaundice, this is most likely a sign of early-stage liver cancer.

8. Swollen Legs

When the liver is damaged, fibrosis, tumors appear, which will make the liver function less efficient, leading to the accumulation of water and deposition in the lower body. One of the most recognizable signs is abnormally swollen legs that make it difficult to walk and sometimes feel pain and fatigue.

9. Mild fever

In some patients with early-stage liver cancer, there is also a low-grade fever with symptoms such as headache, dizziness, chills, sweaty body, exhausted body, and no vitality.

A low-grade fever can also be a sign of early-stage liver cancer

For liver cancer in the late stage, abnormal signs begin to appear clearly, the patient will experience a number of conditions such as:

• The accumulation of fluid in the abdomen makes the patient always feel bloated. The pain of the right lower rib (where the liver is located) is increasing and lasting.

• Present symptoms of unusual bleeding, the most common is root bleeding and bleeding under the skin.

• Have lighter-than-normal stools and dark urine persists.

Signs of liver cancer are often poor and ambiguous, especially in the early stages, easily confusing to other common diseases. Therefore, patients should not be subjective about their health problems. When there are any abnormal symptoms of the body, they need to go to the hospital for early examination to detect and treat the disease in time.

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