What are the most common male diseases? This is a common question of many people with the desire to learn pathological information in order to promptly detect signs of the disease and have a preventive way in the first place, helping to limit the serious effects on the health and spirit.

Besides, instructions for preparation for health check-up is the information people are interested in men. If you are having questions, please read the article below to find the answers!

Common Male Diseases

1. Prostatitis

One of the most common male diseases that cause a lot of trouble in daily life and reduce the quality of life as well as the spirit of men is prostatitis.

This pathology mainly occurs in adult men, with the prominent symptoms of the disease include the following manifestations:

  • Have pain or discomfort in the perineal area, abdomen, testicles, urethra, anus, pelvic area, penis, groin or lower back.
  • Have severe pain when urinating, have difficulty urinating, often urinate quickly or sometimes do not finish urine, accompanied by unusual color urine.
  • Sex life is significantly affected.

2. Foreskin Stenosis

Foreskin stenosis is in most cases considered normal in infants and disappears after the baby grows up. This is a constriction at the end of the foreskin. However, if the foreskin stenosis persists without going away naturally, the following health-related symptoms will be caused:

  • Difficulty urinating (prominent symptoms such as straining, blushing when urinating), this condition can affect kidney function if not treated early.
  • The foreskin is inflamed and swollen, suppressing red, hot, painful sensation. If it gets worse, it may cause pus or unusual discharge.

3. Premature Ejaculation

Sick male faculty typically follow is premature ejaculation, with the expressions of the majority of cases the patient encounters is almost like they can not control ejaculation, this situation occurs leading to discomfort, decreased desire and over time will seriously affect married life.

If the disease is detected early, it is still possible to treat it. Premature ejaculation, if it is caused by psychological factors, can be overcome by the patient himself, but if the condition persists, it should be diagnosed and medically intervened according to the guidance of a specialist for controlling and avoiding arbitrary treatment, which will cause more serious effects.

4. Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are a condition that results in blood stagnation in the venous system around the testicles for a long time, causing these veins to dilate, causing blood flow to feed the testicles is limited, causing damage that affects testicular function.

Symptoms of testicular varicose veins often do not manifest too clearly, mainly patients will feel severe pressure, discomfort, or pain in the testicles. This condition will gradually increase when the person is too active, standing, or sitting for too long.

According to statistics, the percentage of healthy young people with varicose veins accounts for about 15% and this number will up to 40% for people with infertility. This pathology can occur at any age but is most common in adult men.

5. Male Infertility

What is infertility? When couples begin to live together and have regular relationships without using protection for a period of 1 year but still have no children, it is called infertility.

Infertility is one of the most current common diseases, the cause of this condition can be from a husband or wife, sometimes from both people.

To limit this situation, couples should have regular check-ups, help with early detection, and let the doctor monitor the condition, propose effective measures in treatment.

6. Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is an incomplete erection of the penis, inability to even erect, or too short a period of time to perform the mating process. If the condition is prolonged, it can lead to impotence.

Although this pathology does not pose a serious danger to the health, if prolonged, it will affect the couple’s life and affect the male spirit. When the patient detects signs of the disease early, it is necessary to quickly go to the medical facility to make a timely diagnosis, thereby helping the doctor make the most appropriate treatment.

7. Urethritis

Urethritis is an inflammation of the urethra that can be caused by bacterial infections. This pathology should be treated early, to limit the risk of dangerous complications such as prostatitis, cystitis, testicular inflammation-causing serious health effects.

Typical symptoms of urethritis that patients need to pay attention to are:

  • Stimulate urination many times, when urinating a burning sensation.
  • The pain will spread along the longitudinal direction of the urinary tract, a yellowish discharge, cloudy color and a bad smell in the urinary hole may occur.

8. Mushrooms Groin

An inguinal fungus is a pathology that usually occurs in body heat generated mostly in the deep organs because this is a good condition for fungus to thrive. The disease usually occurs in prolonged hot weather like the summer and can be completely treated if detected and treated early.

The prominent symptoms of the disease include:

  • Itching in the genital area can spread to the inner thigh groin gradually to the buttocks or around the anus.
  • Damage caused by the inguinal fungus will form a plaque, when observed, this plaque has a distinct border, with scales and tiny pimples in the area around the border. In areas damaged, the skin darkens and often appears on the groin.

Take Note Of Health Checks For Men

1. Why It’s Important For Men to Regularly Visit the Doctor?

The male examination is the process of examining the genitals and through tests to assess the physiological ability of men, usually done periodically about every 6 months.

What is the purpose of health checks for men? Due to male examination, it will help to detect early damage and abnormal problems and check whether reproductive health is good or not.

When detecting abnormal signs or suspecting illnesses, patients should not self-treat because they can treat wrong. Ideally, you should go to reputable clinics to be diagnosed by a qualified doctor through tests to evaluate the health status, identify the correct pathology to make an effective treatment regimen.

If the disease occurs but the patient is not treated for a long time, it can lead to dangerous complications, increasing the risk of infertility, even affecting life. Therefore, patients should not take any symptoms lightly, so they should have regular check-ups for early detection of the disease.

2. What Things Need To Prepare Before Examining Male Health?

In order for the examination process to take place smoothly, patients should consult their doctor first, or you can also call hotline 19001717 to be supported and book an appointment quickly.

According to the advice of doctors, before examining men should be well prepared for the following issues:

Prepare well mentally: Because the male examination is relatively sensitive, most patients often have psychological discomfort and fear. If mental stress will greatly affect the examination process and test results. You should try to relax, frankly share the problem with your doctor to get the best support, to achieve the desired results.

Do not drink too much water when going to the doctor: In case the patient suspects urinary tract infections, they should hold urine for 8 hours before conducting the test to get the most accurate results. For other conditions, men can also call first to ask a doctor for advice on issues to note.

Do not have sex or masturbate (abstain from ejaculation) for 5 – 7 days before the test. This time may vary depending on the pathology.

Hygiene before examination: Needing cleaning, bathing, especially in the private area will help you feel more confident, reduce the risk of infection during the examination. However, be careful not to use products with harsh detergents that affect the wound or scratch the skin.

Prepare relevant papers: You should prepare some papers related to your health status and the drugs you are using. The most important thing is to honestly answer your doctor’s questions. These questions may make you nervous, but they are the basis to support a highly effective examination process.

How Is The Process Of Male Examination performed?

The procedure for male examination usually takes place as follows:

Step 1: The doctor will check the basic parameters of the body such as weight, height, heart rate, blood pressure, etc. At the same time, examine the genitals.

Step 2: In this step, a concentrated examination of the genitals will be examined to check and detect unusual signs such as ulcers, tumors …

Step 3: Conduct the test. This is an important step, helping to clear up when there is doubt during an external examination of the genitals. Through the test results will help the doctor make the most accurate diagnosis of the disease.

Tests performed in this step usually include:

  • Semen analysis test
  • Hormone evaluation.
  • Genetic testing.
  • Test to check antibodies against sperm.

Besides, when in doubt, depending on the case of the disease, the doctor may order the patient to perform additional tests such as blood tests, urethral fluid tests, and urine tests. An individual genital exam to check for lesions and signs of disease and to check for hidden testicles or lumps.

Currently, the proportion of men with male diseases is increasing, but because this is a relatively sensitive issue, many people often keep the disease from visiting, leading to more serious diseases, eventually affecting reproductive health and family happiness.

Early examination is an important determinant of resilience and minimizes the dangerous complications that can cause infertility. Therefore, as soon as there are signs of illness, the patient should not hesitate to go to the hospital to see and treat promptly.

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