What a hyperthyroidism patient should eat and avoid? This is a frequently asked question of people suffering from this disease. Here is a list of should and should not be eaten by people with hyperthyroidism to actively support their treatment process.
What is Hyperthyroidism?
The thyroid gland is an extremely important endocrine gland that keeps the function of metabolism in the body. Abnormal disorders in the thyroid gland will significantly affect the health of the patient. Disorders of the thyroid gland can cause too much or too little secretion of the hormones T4 (Thyroxine) and T3 (Triiodothyronine).
Thyroid disorders can cause a number of diseases such as hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, thyroiditis, etc. In particular, hyperthyroidism is a common disease related to disorders of the thyroid gland.
Hyperthyroidism is a form of thyroid disorder that leads to an overactive thyroid that increases the production of thyroid hormones into the bloodstream, causing disorders in the body.
Hyperthyroidism is a common endocrine disease second only to diabetes, with 1 in 1500 pregnant women.

but the incidence is usually higher in women
Symptoms Of Hyperthyroidism
Some of the common symptoms of hyperthyroidism include:
• Fatigue, unexplained weight loss.
• Nervousness, palpitations, fast heartbeat, sometimes chest pain, and difficulty breathing.
• Menstrual fluctuations.
• Prolonged diarrhea due to increased bowel movements.
• Often suffer from hand tremors with a fast frequency, small amplitude, and can not be controlled by the patient.
• An enlarged front neck (often called a goiter).
• Constantly afraid of heat, unable to withstand hot weather or high-temperature places.
• Sweating frequently.
• Insomnia, restless sleep, shorter-than-normal sleep.
• Temperament changes, easy to anger, anxiety.
According to experts, hyperthyroidism is a not dangerous condition. However, if not detected and treated in time, the disease can cause many serious complications such as cardiovascular complications, thyroid storm, malignant bulging eyes, …
The above symptoms are easy to confuse with other health conditions. When in doubt about the condition, specialized medical facilities are required to perform thyroid tests.
Cause of Hyperthyroidism
The most common cause of hyperthyroidism is Basedow’s disease. The disease most commonly affects women 20-40 years old. Basedow’s late-stage sign is bulging eyes. In addition, the cause of hyperthyroidism can be due to excess intake of thyroid hormones in the treatment of hypothyroidism, multinodular goiter, thyroiditis, toxic adenoma, eating too much iodine, …
Basedow (or Graves’ disease) is a disease that accounts for more than 90% of hyperthyroidism, causing serious health effects.
What Should Be The Diet Plan For Patients With Hyperthyroidism?
The food for people has Basedow should eat and avoid, how to choose a suitable diet for people with hyperthyroidism is always the concern of many people. Here are some foods that are suitable for people with hyperthyroidism:
What Should Be Eaten In Hyperthyroidism?
Vegetables and fruits are rich in antioxidants
Oxidants play an important role in strengthening the body’s immune system and supporting thyroid hormone balance. Some fruits are high in antioxidants such as strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, kiwifruit, tomatoes, and citrus fruits. Vegetables high in antioxidants include spinach, kale, bell peppers, and pumpkin.
So here are the top food groups when it comes to what people with hyperthyroidism should eat.

for people with hyperthyroidism
Cruciferous vegetables
Many people often wonder “Should hyperthyroidism should eat cabbage” or not? Then the answer is yes. Cruciferous vegetables are great options for people with hyperthyroidism. But too much of these foods can cause hypothyroidism. Therefore, with cruciferous foods, it is necessary to have a reasonable regime to avoid abuse.
Cruciferous vegetables are known for many different types and especially these vegetables have many health benefits. Some cruciferous vegetables play a role in helping to reduce the number of thyroid hormones secreted in the body, such as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, …

in helping to lower thyroid hormone levels
Foods rich in Vitamin D and Omega 3
Omega 3 helps to supplement fatty acids for the body, soothes the thyroid gland, and enhances the health of patients with hyperthyroidism. Vitamin D helps support calcium absorption easier, preventing osteoporosis. Some foods rich in vitamins and Omega 3 include Salmon, walnuts, olive oil, flaxseed oil.

which is very good for people with hyperthyroidism
Zinc-rich foods
Zinc is an important mineral component in cell division, support for growth and absorption of carbohydrates. Due to the overactive nature of the thyroid gland, people with hyperthyroidism often have zinc deficiencies. Therefore, it is essential to supplement foods rich in zinc for people with hyperthyroidism.
Some zinc-rich foods include nuts such as walnuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds, and flax seeds.

contain high levels of zinc
Dairy products
Milk and dairy products are known to be an important group of foods, providing the majority of calcium in the daily diet.
Disorder of calcium metabolism in the blood is a common symptom in people with hyperthyroidism, to compensate the body will take calcium from the bones causing osteoporosis.
To limit this situation, people with hyperthyroidism need to add easily absorbed calcium-rich foods such as milk and dairy products including fresh milk, yogurt, cheese, …
For people with lactose intolerance, choose other alternatives like green vegetables or lactose-free milk.

Plant protein
Weight loss is a symptom of hyperthyroidism. Therefore, an adequate supply of protein for the body to maintain a reasonable weight is essential. Plant protein is considered to be a safe source of protein for patients with hyperthyroidism. In it, legumes are known to be a source of protein-rich and safe plants.
Especially soybeans (soybeans) contain isoflavones that can reduce thyroid hormone levels. But if used in large doses will cause the opposite effect. Should people with hyperthyroidism eat soy or not? The answer is yes, but only in small amounts in the diet.

What Should Not Be Eaten In Hyperthyroidism?
Iodine-rich foods
One of the causes of hyperthyroidism is an excess of iodine in the diet.
The iodine-rich foods include iodized salt, seaweed, kelp, … and some seafood. These foods increase the activity of the thyroid gland, promote hyperthyroidism. Therefore, when asked what diet based on people with Hyperthyroidism did, this was the first food group mentioned.

Coffee and foods containing caffeine
Caffeine is one of the substances that stimulate the thyroid gland to secrete the hormone thyroxin, causes the body to run abnormally fast, makes people hot, and radiates more heat. This is a complete disadvantage for patients with hyperthyroidism. Therefore, it is not recommended to use this food.

secrete the hormone thyroxin, which is detrimental to people with hyperthyroidism
Full-fat milk
Milk is a calcium-rich food that is very healthy. However, whole milk and whole milk are often high in fat, which people with hyperthyroidism have poor fat digestibility and are not recommended for people with hyperthyroidism.
For people with hyperthyroidism when using milk and dairy products should choose to skim milk products.

so people with hyperthyroidism should limit them
Foods high in sugar
Patients with hyperthyroidism show signs of disturbed carbohydrate metabolism, leading to difficulty in controlling blood sugar in the body. Furthermore, eating a lot of sugar can increase anxiety levels in hyperthyroid patients. Therefore, it is necessary to limit the use of foods high in sugar such as soft drinks, confectionery, …

are advised to limit use for people with hyperthyroidism
Alcohol and alcoholic products limit calcium absorption, worsen calcium metabolism disorders in people with hyperthyroidism, causing osteoporosis.

making the condition worse
Red meats
Red meats are high in cholesterol and saturated fat. These substances will inhibit the activity of “good cholesterol”. People with hyperthyroidism, when consuming a variety of red meats, are at risk for cardiovascular disease and diabetes, so they should limit their use.

at risk of diseases such as diabetes, strong heart, so it should be limited.
Trans fats
Trans fats will affect “good cholesterol” and limit the effect of medications, so people with hyperthyroidism limit use. Foods high in trans fats include pastries, cakes, cookies, and chips.

of diseases such as diabetes, strong heart, so it should be limited.
A healthy, scientific diet may not cure hyperthyroidism, but it can be a major part of symptom relief and active support in the treatment of the disease. The above suggestions for hyperthyroidism to eat and what to eat will help you build the right diet for you. When there are any signs of suspicion of hyperthyroidism, you should immediately go to reputable medical facilities for examination and testing as well as find out timely treatment.
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