Patients with high blood pressure need to understand which foods to avoid and which foods should be approached with moderation, which can have a big impact on their health. A healthful eating strategy that is good for blood pressure can improve your health fast. Which helps limit using drugs in the treatment process as well as reduce the chance of having high blood pressure and its symptoms.

What Should A Person With High Blood Pressure Eat?

To improve the blood pressure index toward balance level, people with high blood pressure need to adhere to a suitable and healthy eating plan, combined with reasonable exercise. For patients with high blood pressure, eating products is a good source of nutrients like protein, fat, carbohydrates, fiber, calcium, magnesium, and potassium such as fish. Each of these nutrients should ensure the appropriate dosages of nutrition. Taking large or very tiny doses of nutrition can be harmful because your body only needs suitable amounts of nutrition.

  • Protein: supply 0.8 grams to 1 gram of protein per kg of body weight.
  • Fat: use fats come from plant sources that are useful for people with high blood pressure. That means a person would need only from 25 grams to 30 grams of fat per day.
  • Powdered sugar can be used in amounts from 300g to 320g per day.
  • Fiber is usually found in many fruits and vegetables, fiber should be about 30grams to 40grams. Corresponding to the body needs to add about from 300grams to 500grams of vegetables a day.
  • Salt, fish sauce, monosodium glutamate: Although it is recommended for people with high blood pressure to limit salt, it does not mean that you do not use it completely. The total of spices should not exceed 6 grams daily.
  • Supplementing foods that contain calcium, potassium, and magnesium in appropriate amounts is also good for people with high blood pressure.

Here are the specific foods for high blood pressure.

Green Vegetables

Green vegetables can also add a lot of potassium to the eating plan of people with high blood pressure such as kale, turnip greens, lettuce, fish lettuce, spinach, etc. Because contained potassium amounts help increase sodium in your body, which supports the balanced nutrition the body needs. Help the patient’s body to remove sodium in the kidney through urine and can lower your blood pressure and keep it down. To help the body absorb valuable nutrients found in vegetables, you need to use leafy vegetables instead of canned vegetables.


People with high blood pressure can add fruits to the daily diet. One study shows that ingredients called flavonoids found in berries can effectively prevent high blood pressure and lower blood pressure.

Some of the berries that contain a lot of flavonoids are blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, etc. You can use the above fruits, like snacks, or as a dessert can help you be healthier.


Not only include your body vegetables which are rich in potassium but also need to add a high level of potassium that bananas contain. For people with high blood pressure, get potassium from bananas. For people with high blood pressure, eating bananas in the diet is extremely necessary.

Sugar Beet

Sugar beet is one of the foods that contain nitrates that may help lower blood pressure and improve significantly health. Study shows that sugar beet has a positive effect on people with blood pressure within 24 hours.


Potatoes are not only high in fiber, but ingredients also contain potassium and magnesium, which are known to lower blood pressure.


Oats nutrition facts provide the fiber that may have benefits for people with high blood pressure. Furthermore, the fat and sodium content of oats is also low. Therefore, people with blood pressure can rest assured to use it. Oats contain a powerful energy supplement for the body and recommend you use oats in the morning.

Milk Without Sugar

Sữa là thực phẩm có chứa nhiều dinh dưỡng, cung cấp nhiều canxi và ít chất béo, rất cần thiết cho cơ thể trong việc hạ huyết áp. Ngoài sữa uống thì có thể bổ sung các loại sữa ít béo hơn như sữa chua,….

Milk is a food that contains many nutrients, provides a lot of calcium, and is low in fat, which helps lower blood pressure. In addition to drinking milk, you can add low-fat milk such as yogurt.


The main active ingredient of garlic is allicin, which is very beneficial for health. In addition, one study is found that garlic extract can reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure useful for people with high blood pressure. Garlic is also known to increase nitric oxide production, which helps blood vessels and smooth muscles relax, helping to lower blood pressure. Treatment for people having high blood pressure with garlic in the daily meal supports good health.

What Should A Person With High Blood Pressure Not Eat?

To increase treatment effectiveness, excluding benefit foods, people with high blood pressure should also avoid the following unhealthy foods:


Eating too much salt in the daily diet makes blood pressure go up so easily. Because salt contains a lot of sodium causes more secretions of cells and the heart to beat faster than normal leads to raises your blood pressure than does primary. For all spices such as salt, the fish sauce should not eat more than 5grams per day which will be good for people with high blood pressure.

In addition, pickled dishes such as pickled tomatoes, pickles, and kimchi also need to be limited.


Bệnh nhân cao huyết áp cùng cần hạn chế việc sử dụng đường cho cơ thể. Bởi đường dễ khiến cơ thể tăng cân, béo phì khiến huyết áp tăng cao. 

Patients with high blood pressure should also limit the use of sugar for the body. Because sugar makes the body gain weight easily and obesity causes high blood pressure.

Beer, Alcohol, Tobacco, Coffee

These stimulants are absolutely not beneficial for a patient with high blood pressure. Specifically:

● Beer and alcohol will deactivate the antihypertensive drugs, making the condition worse. In addition, alcohol also makes the heart beat faster, blood vessels contract, and high blood pressure.

● Tobacco is one of the causes of a high heart rate. The nicotine in cigarettes stimulates the sympathetic nervous system, constricts blood vessels, and raises blood pressure.

● Caffeine in coffee stimulates the heart to pump faster and raise blood pressure.

Greasy Food

Fatty fried foods are not good for people with high blood pressure, especially animal fats because they increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure.

Animal Organs

Animal offal contains higher levels of cholesterol and saturated fat than meat. Eating lots of these foods can increase blood fat, heart disease and increase blood pressure.

High Blood Pressure – Frequently Asked Questions

Can you drink coconut water if you have high blood pressure?

Coconut water may be great for controlling blood pressure. However, it should be used properly or would be counterproductive.

People with high blood pressure should use pure coconut water, do not add sugar, add salt to coconut water. Do not drink more than 3 coconuts per day. Do not use coconut water in the evening because it makes a cold stomach.

Can I drink honey with high blood pressure?

Honey contains a lot of potassium, which helps to remove sodium from the body, helping to reduce your blood pressure. In addition, a lot of honey’s vitamins and other nutrition content is good for your health. However, honey has a sweet taste, so when used, it should be used with a reasonable dosage range. You must be careful to choose real honey to avoid fake honey mixing sugar.

Does Drinking Coffee Affect Your Blood Pressure?

People with high blood pressure should not drink coffee regularly because caffeine is known to make the heart beat faster and lead to a rise in blood pressure.

High blood pressure is a dangerous medical condition with unclear signs. To improve the blood pressure index as well as enhance the health of the body, proper nutrition is essential. In addition, the patient should absolutely adhere to the doctor’s advice. Do not stop or use drugs without permission.

The site cannot and does not contain medical advice. The medical information is provided for general informational and educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional advice. Accordingly, before taking any actions based upon such information, we encourage you to consult with the appropriate professionals.