Shoulder joint diseases in general mostly make patients feel long-lasting shoulder pain and limit movement in the shoulder joint if it is not diagnosed and treated early. If this condition lasts, not only will the quality of life be affected, but also risk leading to serious complications causing shoulder joint adhesions, stiffness, tendon rupture …
So what are common shoulder joint diseases, causes, and how to treat them? Let's find out through the article below!
Learn About Shoulder Joints
The shoulder joint is composed of many bones combined with the clavicle, scapula, and arm bone and is lined with cartilage. To form a joint block to help the shoulder function properly requires coordination between the bones and the soft tissues surrounding the joint such as muscles, ligaments, tendons.
The shoulder joint is a ball joint, thanks to the sheath and the rotating tip that the arm bone can be attached to the bone pan.
There are three muscles that make up the rotating apex, the small round muscle, the muscle above the spine, and the muscle under the spine, which are combined to form a surrounding weight, while at the same time attaching to the large cavity of the arm bone. Thanks to the rotating tip, the arms can be extended or rotated in a circle.
Working habits or injuries can cause the crown to be injured or torn, making the sac (lining the lower part of the crown and the shoulder and the tip) at risk of inflammation leading to the condition. shoulder joint pain or inflammation around the shoulder joint.
Shoulder Joint Diseases
There are many types of shoulder joint diseases, but today there are 5 main types as follows:
Shoulder pain
For the arm to move flexibly with a wide range of motion, it needs a combination of the tendons and the shape of the shoulder joint.
But sometimes, too much activity in the shoulder joint causes compression of the shoulder bone structure or soft tissues, leading to left shoulder joint pain, or right shoulder joint pain typically manifested by increased pain. When the sufferer does hand movement, this can be temporary or persistent.
Shoulder joint pain can be caused by the following typical causes:
• Tendinitis.
• Bursitis.
• Shoulder blocking syndrome.
• A torn tendon.
• Loss of stability in the shoulder joint.
• Trauma that leads to a fracture such as a collarbone, scapula, or arm …
• Osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint.
• Tumors, nerve damage, infection …
What medicine should I take for shoulder joint pain? To treat shoulder joint pain, first of all, it is necessary to accurately diagnose the cause and condition through clinical examination and diagnostic methods such as CT scan, X-ray, shoulder joint ultrasound, arthroscopy …
Next, based on the medical condition, the doctor will give the patient medications such as anti-inflammatory and analgesic to improve the condition. Patients should not take medication on their own, or take an over-the-counter pain reliever, which can ease the pain but cannot be completely cured, making the condition worse.
In addition, it is necessary to change living habits, perform physical therapy exercises around the shoulder joint to help improve the disease condition, increase flexibility and muscle strength.
Some more severe cases, often indicated for surgery to help recover when the apex is torn off the shoulder joint … Shoulder arthroscopic surgery helps treat torn tissue or has the ability to remove scar tissue, surgery Open is applied when there are severe and extensive injuries such as fractures, tendon tears or shoulder joint changes …
Shoulder joint stiffness
Shoulder joint stiffness is characterized by a condition in the sheath. This is one of the leading causes of pain and stiffness inside the joint, and for a long time, stiffness will make it difficult to move normally.
In shoulder injuries, shoulder stiffness accounts for about 2%, shoulder joint pain cases are more common in women than men and mostly in the 40-60-year-olds.
Shoulder joint stiffness has 3 main stages:
Frozen phase: Patients feel pain in the shoulder with an increasing degree, loss of movement amplitude and time usually lasts for many consecutive months from 6 to 9 months.
Freezing stage: The patient feels that the pain gradually subsides, but the shoulder joint is still as stiff as before and does not go away for the next 4-6 months, causing difficulties in daily activities.
The thawing stage: The movements in the shoulder joints tend to improve gradually, the patient can return to normal activities without stiffness and joint pain in about half a year to 2 years.
People at high risk of shoulder joint stiffness are usually:
• Have diabetes.
• Hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism.
• Heart disease.
• Parkinson's disease.
Other causes can also cause shoulder stiffness such as: After the shoulder joint surgery, there are sequelae, trauma. To know the exact condition of the disease, it is necessary to go through diagnostic tests such as magnetic resonance imaging, X-ray, shoulder joint ultrasound …
Treatment of shoulder joint stiffness is commonly used as anti-inflammatory drugs, physiotherapy is mostly used to help patients have positive progress, significant recovery. If the case is serious, the doctor will consider surgical orders but shoulder arthroscopy, shoulder resection, and anesthesia.
Shoulder arthritis
Perioral arthritis is one of the most typical shoulder joint diseases. When suffering from shoulder arthritis, the patient feels pain, causing limited movement of the shoulder joint due to damage to the tendons, ligaments, joints … cause.
Left untreated, shoulder arthritis will turn into fluid shoulder arthritis, which damages shoulder joint structure and seriously affects health.
There are typical causes of common shoulder arthritis such as:
Rheumatoid arthritis: This is an autoimmune disease that causes inflammation of the bursa or surface of the joint, the disease can occur at any age and has complicated progress, difficult to treat if in the late stage.
Osteoarthritis: When a joint is worn and torn, it leads to joint degeneration, resulting in the loss of the smoothness of the joint. Common in the same blow joint, for the arm hip joint will be less common, the majority of osteoarthritis is more common in patients> 50 years old.
Post-traumatic arthritis: When a trauma such as a dislocation of a shoulder joint, a fracture or a tear at the top of the shoulder can be caused, later arthritis.
When suffering from arthritis, patients often feel very painful, difficult in movement, or unable to move and often cause sleeplessness at night. Diagnostic methods commonly prescribed by doctors are X-rays, MRI scans with contrast injection, CT scans, arthroscopy …
Shoulder arthritis and treatment are offered as a non-surgical and surgical treatment:
Non-surgical treatment: Patients will be given anti-inflammatory drugs to help relieve pain, functional drugs to help increase cartilage, and specific treatment drugs, depending on the specific cause. Besides, in order to restore the inflammatory function around the shoulder joint, the doctor may prescribe a combination of both physical therapy and hot compresses to improve the condition more effectively.
Surgical treatment: If the drug treatment does not produce the desired results, the doctor will prescribe shoulder joint surgery to help restore function and relieve pain for the patient with a method such as a craniectomy. blow, shoulder joint replacement … depending on the specific case.
In order to prevent arthritis around the shoulder, it is necessary to have a reasonable resting and living regime, do not try to work for a long time and easily damage shoulder joints. Besides, it is necessary to avoid strong movements or sudden excessive rotation of the shoulder joints …
Oriental medicine for around-the-shoulder arthritis is also one of the methods that many people are interested in. The commonly used method is acupuncture combined with massage, menstruation to help restore function combined with medications for shoulder joint pain depending on the situation.
But it is important to consult a specialist during the treatment to bring high results, avoid self-massage or improper drug administration that can lead to undesirable risks.
Torn tip of the shoulder
One of the causes of limited shoulder joint mobility and long-lasting pain sensation commonly seen in adults is torn at the shoulder tip. When the tip of the shoulder is torn, the shoulder will be weakened, making daily activities difficult for the patient. There are many types of apical tears, but there are usually two types, typically partial and full tear.
The most typical cause of the shoulder tip tear is the patient's trauma, often accompanied by other injuries such as dislocations of the shoulder or collarbone fracture. The second cause is degeneration, which is the abrasion of the tendons that occur naturally over time.
When the tip of the shoulder is torn, the patient often feels pain when moving, especially when the arms are raised and the muscles of the shoulder joint are weakened, causing difficulty in movement.
Treatment for a tear at the shoulder blade is both physiotherapy and medication. Surgery is usually indicated in cases where the shoulder joint is completely torn. Through surgery to help fix ligaments and restore function when the shoulder joint is torn …
Shoulder joint injury
Shoulder injuries can occur from impact, improper movement. This is a common type of injury and there are many types of injuries to the shoulder joint such as:
• Fracture: Usually the bone on the arm, collarbone, or scapula.
• Dislocations: When two joint faces cannot slide together normally, this will lead to dislocation.
• Common soft tissue injuries such as: tearing cartilage, ligament tear, rotating apical tear …
To diagnose shoulder joint injuries, the doctor will prescribe diagnostic methods such as X-rays, MRI scans, CT scans … to know the extent of the damage, the severity of the disease. From there, offering appropriate treatment methods such as fixed bone when broken, orthopedic surgery … depends on each patient's case.
Hopefully, through this article, you can learn more about the most common shoulder joint diseases. Most of these conditions cause pain depending on the severity.
But if the pain, difficulty in movement lasts for a long time, you should go to the hospital to check the most accurate diagnosis of the cause of the disease to have an effective treatment regimen, improve the condition quickly.
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