There are many causes of genital folliculitis, possibly by bacteria or a virus. What symptoms does pubic folliculitis cause to recognize? Is this condition dangerous, how is it treated? If you are looking for information related to this issue, please read immediately what you share in this article!

Learn About Private Hair

The private hair, also known as pubic hair, grows on the pubic part above the female vulva and grows at the base of the male penis.

Pubic hair is a relatively short, dark black hair that begins to grow only when men and women enter puberty. Whether the hair grows thin or even absent depends on the genes and hormones of the body.

The structure of pubic hair covers the 3 main parts: The part located in the dermis, the hair growing through the epidermis, and the part located on the epidermis.

What is the effect of vaginal hair?

In it, pubic hair roots will be covered by hair follicles. Each hair follicle is composed of 3 parts as follows:

  • Follicles.
  • Mouth follicle.
  • Hair follicle.

Functionally, pubic hair plays the following main roles:

  • Pubic hair is seen as a protective film so that the skin folds in the genital area do not stick together. At the same time, it prevents invaders and pathogens such as bacteria and viruses and potentially reduces the risk of diseases such as vaginal infections and urinary tract infections.
  • Limiting the sensitive skin rubbing directly during the activity, causing damage to the skin.
  • Maintains a constant temperature on cold days and secretes oils under the skin glands to cool the genital area when it is hot.
  • Reduce friction during strong impacts and during sex, as genital skin is very vulnerable.
  • Pheromone secreted from glands in pubic hair helps to attract the opposite sex.

Therefore, when there are causes of folliculitis, it will cause negative effects on health, impairing the protective function of the body in the genital area.

Causes Of Private Folliculitis

Vaginal folliculitis can occur in both men and women. The cause of folliculitis in the genital area can be derived from the following factors:

The vaginal follicle becomes infected, possibly caused by a bacterial agent, most notably staphylococcus aureus (Staphylococcus aureus). Besides, it can also be caused by a virus or fungus.

Staphylococcus aureus is a common cause of folliculitis

When there is an ingrown hair, follicles are blocked by dead skin cells or sweat will cause hair follicles to become inflamed.

Male or female genital folliculitis is more common in areas with hard hair or those who have a habit of shaving. Because the genital area is relatively sensitive, the hair is coarser, so it is very susceptible to infection, especially when shaving or irritating hair removal products.

Wearing clothes and underwear that are too tight, without elasticity will increase the skin friction with the clothes, and active sweat glands when exercising, walking a lot of hot weather will be a good condition for folliculitis to occur.

When the bath is not clean, the person taking a hot bath also increases the risk of folliculitis, due to bacteria that thrive in high-temperature environments.

An unhygienic hot tub also increases the risk of folliculitis

After having sex or using a hot tub, be careful to clean your body and dry to minimize the risk of folliculitis.

A common cause of folliculitis in women is that during menstruation, changes in hormone levels and poor hygiene are favorable conditions for pathogens to attack.

Signs & Symptoms Of Private Folliculitis

When you have genital folliculitis, it will cause symptoms similar to pimples, appearing on the mound, female labia, and the inner thigh.

However, observations need to be made to distinguish between acne and genital folliculitis. For genital folliculitis, hair grows in the middle of the pustule, but for acne, there is no hair on the area.

As soon as you suspect you have genital folliculitis, to get the most accurate diagnosis, you should consult a dermatologist for examination and treatment.

Signs of vaginal folliculitis

Besides, the signs of folliculitis you can recognize as follows:

  • There is a burning and itching sensation in the inflamed hair follicle.
  • The blisters appear and over time will cause the pus to burst.
  • The appearance of small red bumps or whiteheads growing around hair follicles.
  • Formes large bumps or bumps in an area of ​​an inflamed hair follicle.

If this persists for a few days but does not go away, or feels severe pain, you should go to the hospital for treatment, helping to control atopic dermatitis to limit the condition of hair follicles. extensive inflammation.

Is Folliculitis Dangerous?

Do many people wonder that vaginal folliculitis is dangerous? The answer to this problem, experts say, although folliculitis is a condition that can heal on its own after a while. However, if the patient has a weakened or compromised immune system, a serious infection can result.

Because when you have folliculitis, there is a high chance of developing a pimple or causing a large infection under the skin, containing pus, also known as juniors, which can cause an abscess complication. When this happens it is very difficult to heal.

It should be noted that not squeezing accidentally in damaged hair follicles, especially when hands are not cleaned, can easily lead to infection.

How Is Private Folliculitis Treated?

After being diagnosed with the cause of folliculitis by a doctor, determining the severity of the disease, depending on the specific case, the doctor will instruct the patient on how to take care at home and may prescribe some more medicine for the treatment of the patient.

Using Medicine

Drug folliculitis in the case of patients with only mild vaginal folliculitis, the doctor will treat it by using an antiseptic at the inflamed area or giving the patient a topical antibiotic.

Treatment of folliculitis with medications applied directly to the affected area

But when the folliculitis leads to a serious infection that causes complications, systemic antibiotics may be used for treatment.

Other Methods

Minor surgery: How to treat vaginal folliculitis when an abscess or boil caused by folliculitis is present, the doctor will consider the specific case, which may need a small incision to drain the pus out.

This is a method to help reduce pain, shorten recovery time for patients. Next, the doctor will have to cover the area to prevent further discharge and infection by using a sterile gauze bandage.

Laser hair removal: If the treatments above are not working as desired, laser hair removal or IPL light removal may help limit recurrence.

However, this is a fairly expensive method and must be done many times. The hair removal will help reduce the dense density of the vagina hair, limit inflammation. But this method also causes some unwanted side effects that can cause discoloration or herpes.

Prevention of Private Folliculitis

To prevent genital folliculitis from causing infection, you need to pay attention to proper hygiene including simple things like washing your genitals clean with mild soap and warm water.

Should choose benign products, fewer chemicals specifically for the genital area. Absolutely do not use the same cleanser, shampoo … to clean the genital area, and do not rub too hard or deep inside that can damage the skin. After cleaning your genital area, you should wipe it off with a cotton towel to dry with gentle movements.

Do not share towels with other people and change towels often, wash them thoroughly and dry in the sun to avoid bacteria accumulating and causing illness.

For women in the menstrual cycle that need more cleaning, pay attention to changing tampons often because this is a time of hormonal changes that make skin sensitive and hot humid environment very easy to create conditions for bacterial growth.

If the pubic area is too dense to make you feel uncomfortable, you can use scissors to trim the excess hair, but do not trim too close to the base of the root, but leave a piece to avoid itching and making pubic hair impossible normal activity.

Measures to limit the risk of genital folliculitis

If shaving your genital area, you need to clean the razor, you should use a one-time razor. Skin emollients should be applied after shaving and should be gentle with shaving to avoid scratches, especially for sensitive skin.

Besides, you can also use alternative hair removal methods for shaving directly with a knife such as hair removal gel, laser hair removal.

Should wear loose, cool clothes, underwear should also choose soft, elastic ones to limit friction between clothes and genitals, increasing the risk of clogging pores.

Hopefully, this article has helped you know more about the causes of folliculitis and the signs to identify. Thus, in order to limit the risk of folliculitis, we need to change some living habits, keep the body clean and look to a specialist for treatment when sick, to avoid happening complications affecting health.

The site cannot and does not contain medical advice. The medical information is provided for general informational and educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional advice. Accordingly, before taking any actions based upon such information. We encourage you to consult with the appropriate professionals.