Inborn error of metabolism is a rare genetic disorder where the affected baby lacks certain enzymes that maintain normal bodily metabolic function, causing the build-up of toxic substances or the deficiency of critical substances. An affected newborn may appear healthy when carrying an inborn error of metabolism until the baby suddenly gets sick, and suffers irreversible damage. Therefore, testing of newborns soon after birth is a crucial step to identify serious or life-threatening conditions to have early detection and prevention in preventing irreversible damage. One of the most comprehensive test performed to identify more than 100 life-threatening metabolic disorders using a single urine test, without causing any harm or discomfort to your baby. Who should take this test: Infants, children, young adolescents from 48 hours to 14 years old. Ideally, your baby should be screened between 2-7 days after birth as the early stages of life are the most crucial as they are the foundation of a child’s future health and development.