Patient Instructions:
+ Newborns who are 36 hours old (ideally from 2-6 days old #48h-144h) should be given G6PD/TSH/17-OHP test. This time changes when the baby is born prematurely underweight.
+ Appointment form filled in with complete information, full name, year of birth, date and time of birth, date now take blood and weigh baby.
+ Use the baby's heel blood sample. The blood sample must be absorbed evenly on both sides of the paper absorbent, must fill two circles of blotting paper.
+ On the blood sample, write all the baby's information. If the sample is sent from outside, write add sample sending unit
+ After taking the sample, let it dry naturally for at least 3 hours at room temperature.
+ Preserving samples at temperatures from -18oC to -30oC is best
**Note:** Refuse to accept samples for blood samples taken more than 2 days ago, blood does not penetrate both sides of the blotting paper, blood does not fill 2 circles of blotting paper.