Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the skin is the second most common skin cancer, characterized by abnormal, accelerated cellular growth. This cancer begins in squamous cells, found in the tissue that forms the skin’s surface and the passages of the respiratory and digestive tracts. This test helps evaluate and monitor squamous cell carcinoma of the head, neck, lung, and cervix.
C-reactive protein (CRP) is a protein produced by the liver. Normally, you have low levels of C-reactive protein in your blood. Your liver releases more CRP into your bloodstream if you have inflammation. High levels of CRP indicate you have a serious health condition that’s causing the inflammation.
Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a type of bacteria that infects the digestive system but is often symptomless. However, it can cause digestive disorders, including gastritis, peptic ulcers, and certain types of stomach cancer. Detection of specific IgM antibodies is evidence of a current or recent infection. A demonstration of specific IgG to the bacteria is evidence of past infection.
PSA is a protein made by your prostate, a gland in the male reproductive system. The test is used to screen for prostate cancer. Cancer screening means looking for signs of cancer before symptoms appear. But screening tests can’t diagnose cancer. If a screening test finds signs of cancer, you’ll need other tests to determine if you have cancer and how serious it may be.
The CA 72-4 test is a blood test used to monitor stomach cancer. CA 72-4 is a type of protein produced by stomach cancer cells. This test is often used to monitor the progression of stomach cancer after treatment or to detect early recurrence. High levels of CA 72-4 may be a sign of stomach cancer or other stomach diseases. However, this test is not used to diagnose cancer because CA 72-4 levels can also be elevated in some other benign conditions.
The test measures a hormone called hCG, produced during pregnancy by the placenta and found in the blood and urine. Testing for hCG can be done as early as ten days after conception to determine if you are pregnant. Measuring hCG can also help identify potential complications.
Strongyloides are parasites that enter the body through exposed skin. Most cases are symptomless, but a more severe form may develop if left untreated. Symptoms include stomachache, intermittent diarrhea and constipation, nausea, and a red rash where the worm enters the skin. This test screens suspected cases of strongyloidiasis and detects asymptomatic chronic or latent infections in endemic areas and immuno-compromised patients (leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma) or before initiating steroid therapy.
Testing for Vitamin B12 is like checking the fuel gauge in a car but for the body. The test looks to see if there’s enough Vitamin B12, which is a must-have for making red blood cells and keeping the nervous system in top shape. Low levels can lead to feeling worn out, problems with memory, or even trouble walking. So, this test is a way to catch those issues by seeing if Vitamin B12 levels are off, ensuring everything can keep running smoothly.
Serum LDL Cholesterol level test measures the amount of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol in the blood. LDL cholesterol is often referred to as “bad” cholesterol because high levels can lead to plaque buildup in the arteries, increasing the risk of heart disease and stroke. This test is crucial in assessing an individual’s risk for cardiovascular diseases and guiding decisions on lifestyle changes or medications to lower cholesterol levels. Monitoring LDL cholesterol is important for preventing heart-related health issues, especially in individuals with risk factors for heart disease.
Thyroglobulin is like a storage unit in the thyroid gland that holds iodine and makes hormones . Thyroglobulin levels are directly related to thyroid size. Any condition that makes the thyroid enlarge can raise thyroglobulin levels, several diseases which can cause this are thyroid cancer, autoimmune disorders, or tissue growth nodules.
High Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein (hs-CRP) test is a blood test that measures the level of CRP, a protein produced by the liver, that increases in response to inflammation in the body. The “high sensitivity” aspect of this test allows it to detect lower levels of CRP, making it particularly useful for assessing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Elevated hs-CRP levels are associated with an increased risk for heart attacks and strokes, even when other risk factors may not be present. This test is often used in combination with other markers to evaluate an individual’s overall risk for cardiovascular diseases. It serves as a helpful tool for proactive heart health management.
Fascioliasis is a parasitic infection typically caused by Fasciola hepatica. Infection comes from accidentally ingesting (swallowing) the parasite, possibly through contaminated freshwater plants. Major symptoms include gastrointestinal problems such as nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain/tenderness. This test is used to diagnose Fasciola infection by detecting IgG antibodies to this parasite.
Healthy urine may contain invisible amounts of sediment. These include traces of tissue, protein, and skin cells. Urine sediment becomes a concern if there is too much sediment and a high concentration of specific cells and crystals, such as kidney stones or vaginal bacteria, or urinary tract, kidney or bladder infection.
HDL Cholesterol level test is a blood test that measures the amount of HDL cholesterol in the blood. HDL cholesterol, known as “good cholesterol,” helps transport cholesterol from the body to the liver for removal, which lowers the risk of heart disease by preventing cholesterol buildup in the arteries. High levels of HDL are good for heart health, while low levels may indicate a higher risk of heart problems.
Protein is an essential part of cells and tissue. There are two main classes of protein called albumin and globulin. Albumin helps prevent fluid from leaking out of blood vessels, while globulins are important for your immune system. High protein levels can place a burden on your kidneys, liver, and bones, as well as potentially increase your risk of heart disease and cancer. A lack of protein can produce several symptoms, including illness, increased infections, and reduced muscle mass.
Estradiol (E2) is a crucial hormone produced by the ovaries in women and in smaller amounts in men. In women, it regulates the menstrual cycle and supports healthy pregnancies, and is also involved in the development of secondary sexual characteristics such as breast growth. In men, estradiol helps in maintaining sperm count and libido.
Echinococcus IgM test is a simple blood test that helps detect tapeworm disease in humans early, especially in the early stages of Echinococcus infection (also known as hydatidosis or cystic echinococcosis).Tapeworm disease, also known as cystic echinococcosis, is a parasitic infection caused by the larval stage of the tapeworm Echinococcus. Humans can become infected by accidentally swallowing tapeworm eggs, usually through contact with the feces of infected animals (mainly dogs and wild animals such as foxes and wolves). This test looks for a specific antibody(IgM) that appears in the blood when the body is newly infected with tapeworms. IgM antibodies usually appear earlier than other antibodies after infection, so this test is especially useful in diagnosing the early stages of Echinococcus infection.
Homocysteine level test is a simple blood test that checks how much homocysteine is in the blood. Homocysteine is like a building block for the body. But if there’s too much of it, it could mean there are some health issues to watch out for. This test is often used to check the risk of developing heart problems. If homocysteine levels are high, it could mean there’s a higher risk of heart disease and stroke. It might be recommended for people with a family history of heart disease or those with a shortage of certain vitamins that help control homocysteine levels. Overall, this test helps doctors understand heart health better and can guide in making any necessary lifestyle or dietary changes.
The CA 125 test is a blood test used to monitor ovarian cancer. CA 125 is a type of protein produced by ovarian cancer cells. This test is often used to monitor the progression of ovarian cancer after treatment or to detect early recurrence. High levels of CA 125 may be a sign of ovarian cancer or other gynecological diseases. However, this test is not used to diagnose cancer because CA 125 levels can also be elevated in some other benign conditions.
Toxoplasmosis, a disease caused by parasites, is mostly symptomless, except for those with weak immune systems and babies whose mothers become infected for the first time during pregnancy. Problems can include damage to the brain, eyes, and other organs. It is mainly caused by contact with waste from an infected cat or eating contaminated meat. Qualitative determination of IgG antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii) to aid in the determination of immune status of individuals including pregnant women. If IgG antibody is detected, it is recommended that IgM testing be performed if more precise knowledge of the time of infection is needed (e.g., pregnant women). A positive IgM but a negative IgG result should be viewed with suspicion; the patient should be retested two weeks after the first test.