Individual tests

This test determines whether or not you have adequate apo A-I levels, diagnosing specific apo A deficiency and helping assess your risk of developing coronary heart disease.
Apolipoprotein B (or Apo B, for short) is a protein that helps carry fat and cholesterol through your body. Your body needs fat and cholesterol to produce hormones and keep cells healthy. As they don't dissolve well in the blood, they may cause plaque buildup in your blood vessels, possibly leading to heart disease.
Apolipoprotein B/Apolipoprotein A-1 ratio is an index reflecting the balance between atherogenic lipoprotein particles and anti-atherogenic lipoprotein particles. When this balance is disrupted, atherosclerosis progresses, leading to stroke. Additionally, the ApoB/ApoA-1 ratio is also a strong predictor of cardiovascular events such as myocardial infarction, angina, and heart failure, compared to conventional lipid tests like total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL-cholesterol, and HDL-cholesterol.
Ferritin is a protein that stores iron inside your cells. You need iron to make healthy red blood cells, and it is vital for muscles, bone marrow, organs, and brain development in children. Low ferritin levels may indicate iron deficiency anemia or another related condition. High ferritin levels can indicate there is excess iron in your body, suggesting liver disease, hyperthyroidism, or alcohol abuse.
HDL (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol is seen as “good” cholesterol because it helps absorb cholesterol in the blood and carries it back to the liver. The liver then flushes it from the body. High HDL cholesterol levels mean you have a lower risk of heart disease and stroke.
Serum iron test measures the amount of iron in the blood. Transferrin test measures transferrin, a protein that moves iron throughout the body. Total iron-binding capacity (TIBC) measures how well iron attaches to transferrin and other proteins in the blood. These tests help to detect the cause of anemia relating to iron deficiency.
LDL stands for low-density lipoproteins. It is sometimes called "bad" cholesterol because high levels cause a buildup in your arteries. Over time, the plaque hardens, narrowing your arteries. This limits the flow of oxygen-rich blood, which is why a high level of LDL cholesterol is a risk factor for vascular and heart diseases.
Your body has four main lipids: cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, and triglycerides. HDL is good cholesterol because it helps absorb cholesterol in the blood and carries it back to the liver, while the rest are bad cholesterol. These tests help better understand your risk for heart disease, stroke, and other problems from narrowed or blocked arteries.
Your body has four types of lipids: cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, and triglycerides. HDL is good cholesterol because it helps absorb cholesterol in the blood and carries it back to the liver, while the other types are considered bad cholesterol. These tests help you and your healthcare provider better understand your risk of heart disease, stroke, and other problems caused by narrowed or blocked arteries.
Lipoprotein is a lipid and protein component found in the blood. It helps to transport the cholesterol through the blood to the cells. It is of two types high density lipoprotein (HDL) and the low density lipoprotein (LDL). Lipoprotein (a) is a type of LDL that carries the cholesterol to the cells in the arteries. High levels are associated with cardiovascular diseases.
Lipoprotein is a lipid and protein component found in the blood. It helps to transport the cholesterol through the blood to the cells. It is of two types high density lipoprotein (HDL) and the low density lipoprotein (LDL). Lipoprotein (a) is a type of LDL that carries the cholesterol to the cells in the arteries. High levels are associated with cardiovascular diseases.
PCR (Polymerase chain reaction) test is performed by Real Time technique or RT-PCR for short. In this technique, throat swabs are taken to analyze genetic material and detect the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Real-time RT-PCR testing is currently the most common and accurate method for determining whether a person has the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
PCR (Polymerase chain reaction) test is performed by a Real-Time technique or RT-PCR for short. In this technique, throat swabs help conclude the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Real-time RT-PCR testing is currently the most common and accurate method for determining whether a person has the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
Cholesterol is a substance found throughout the body. Your body needs some cholesterol to work properly, but too much will block your arteries and lead to heart disease and stroke.
Transferrin is the main protein in the blood that binds to iron and transports it throughout the body. It may be used along with other iron tests to assess the amount of iron circulating in the blood, the total capacity of the blood to transport iron, and the amount of stored iron in the body. The test may also help differentiate between various causes of anemia.
Triglycerides are a common type of fat that comes from food and consuming extra calories. Your body changes these excess calories into triglycerides and stores them in fat cells. When your body needs energy, it releases triglycerides. Very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) cholesterol particles carry the triglycerides to your tissues. Having a high level of triglycerides can raise your risk of heart disease.