Individual tests

Personal use only test to confirm bloodline genetic DNA relationship between a child and a relative on the father's side.
Personal use only test to confirm bloodline genetic DNA relationship between a child and a parent.
Legally valid test to confirm bloodline genetic DNA relationship between a child and a parent to obtain a birth certificate.
Legally valid test to confirm bloodline genetic DNA relationship between a child and a parent or grandparent to obtain another legal document which is NOT a birth certificate.
Personal use only test to confirm bloodline genetic DNA relationship between a child and a relative on the mother's side.
PCR (Polymerase chain reaction) test is performed by Real Time technique or RT-PCR for short. In this technique, throat swabs are taken to analyze genetic material and detect the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Real-time RT-PCR testing is currently the most common and accurate method for determining whether a person has the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
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