Individual tests

Addis sediment is a semi-urine test used to measure and calculate indicators such as red blood cells, platelets, white blood cells, and urinary casts. This test is important in diagnosing and following up kidney diseases, especially nephrotic syndrome.
This test measures the time it takes for the earlobe to stop bleeding after a vascular (blood vessel) wound is created with a blood lancet. It is performed in preoperative patients receiving anticoagulants or with suspected coagulation disorders.
Calcium, the most abundant mineral in the human body, is mainly stored in the bones and teeth. It is essential for vascular contraction, vasodilation, and muscle function. This test helps diagnose parathyroid disease, some bone disorders, and chronic renal disease.
Calcium is the most plentiful mineral in the human body and is mainly stored in the bones and teeth. It is necessary for vascular contraction, vasodilation, and muscle function. The test is useful in the diagnosis of parathyroid disease, some bone disorders, and chronic renal disease.
Chloride is an electrolyte that helps control the distribution of fluid and the pH balance in your body. Chloride is often measured with other electrolytes to diagnose or monitor conditions such as kidney disease, heart failure, or liver disease.
Creatinine is a waste product your muscles produce as part of everyday activity. Your kidneys filter creatinine from blood and excrete it in urine. This test checks if your kidneys are working normally. It's often ordered with a blood urea nitrogen test (BUN) to assess kidney function fully.
Analyzing electrolytes in urine, such as sodium, potassium, and chloride, has significant diagnostic value in detecting conditions like kidney disorders, urinary stone disease, urinary tract infections, and cystic fibrosis.