What does blood in semen mean? Under normal circumstances, semen will be ivory white. However, if the bloody semen turns pink, many men worry that this is a sign of any dangerous disease? So, this situation is really spoiled like? Let’s find out the relevant information below this article!

What Is Blood In The Semen?

Semen is a product of the male genital system. Semen is produced from the testicles, then nourished in the epidermis.

During sex, these muscles contract to push the sperm out. Along the way, the sperm also receives more substances from the vas deferens, seminal vesicles, and prostate before being released outside the urethra.

What you need to know about blood in semen

What is blood in the semen? Bloody semen (“haematospermia”) is the discharge of blood during ejaculation, which can be fresh, thin blood, blood clots, or semen that is dark brown instead of the usual white color.

This is a painless, solitary, benign, and self-limiting symptom. In the vast majority of cases it will go away on its own but very often come back.

Blood in the semen is not an uncommon phenomenon, which can affect men of any age after puberty, most commonly among men between the ages of 30 and 40.

According to the epidemiological results, 9 out of 10 men have ever had bloody semen, but not with any previous abnormal symptoms related to urology and genital.

However, there are still a few cases where men will not show specific symptoms when observing semen color, but only when performing specialized tests can they detect blood in the semen.

In addition, men should not be subjective, because there are still less common cases, blood in the semen is a sign of dangerous diseases, such as cancer of the male genitals or the secretion. urinary.

Particularly for cases of bloody semen, but due to external factors such as violent sex, tearing the foreskin, this condition is not considered blood in the semen.

Bloody semen usually does not cause pain for the patient, it can only be detected when the semen color is contaminated with blood, which will cause the semen to turn bright red to dark brown. In addition, the patient will not experience any other symptoms.

What are the signs of blooding in semen?

However, there are still cases of secondary hemorrhagic ejaculation, when the patient may experience additional symptoms such as pain during the ejaculation or dull pain appearing in the area from the testicular to the perineum.

This phenomenon is considered to be signs that may be related to prostate disease, typically prostatitis.

If the patient has the following factors, it is necessary to quickly go to the hospital for a more accurate diagnosis of the condition, including:

• Men over age 40.

• These symptoms often appear persistent and often repeat.

• Have comorbidities in other organs.

• Find abnormalities after urogenital system exam.

Potential Cause Of Blood In Semen

The cause of the blood ejaculation phenomenon is divided into 2 main groups: primary and secondary blood ejaculation, as follows:

1. Primary Haematospermia

In primary haematospermia, the presence of blood in the sperm is the only symptom to occur.

At the same time, the patient should also be excluded from the possibility of blood mixed in the urine, at the microscopic or macroscopic level.

Primary haematospermia does not have other symptoms

There was no evidence of abnormalities related to the structure or function of the urinary system. The good news is that the condition is usually self-limiting and will not leave any sequelae.

In fact, the condition of patients with primary hemorrhagic ejaculation has been carried out in numerous studies on a large scale and most of these cases have found no other relevant problems.

2. Secondary Hematospermia

Suspected or known causes of semen bleeding, such as immediately after a prostate biopsy, resulting in a urinary tract infection or even cancer letters.

Common causes include:

Inflammation, infection

One of the most common causes of hematospermia is inflammation. Inflammation causes irritation to the mucous membranes, causing the tubes, glands of the seminal tract, prostate gland, seminal vesicles, urethra, and mounds to become congested and swollen, leading to the hematospermia.

The causes of the inflammation can be due to trauma, infection, seminal sac, calcification of the prostate gland.

The most common infections, in this case, are Gram-positive, Enterobacteria (mainly Escherichia coli), bacillus, Chlamydia, and several other viruses.

Ejaculatory duct obstruction (EDO) and seminal vesicle cysts

When the seminal vesicle is stretched for a long time, it causes blood vessels under the mucosa to rupture, which can be caused by:

Cancer: The most typical types of cancer are catheter cancer, prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and lymphoma.

Bloody ejaculation can be caused by serious medical problems

The diseases affecting the system: The most common systemic diseases are hypertension, blood clotting disorders, cirrhosis, hemophilia, cirrhosis.

Due to local invasive procedures: During a rectal biopsy, irradiation in prostate cancer treatment, urethral implantation, testicular resection, vasectomy …

Dilated urethral veins: In this case, the semen usually does not have blood, instead the patient sees blood in the urine after an erection with a large amount, may also bleed outside the urethra after the man have an erection but still not ejaculating.

Diagnosing Blood In Semen

What does blood in semen mean? Although in most cases, blood ejaculation is a benign condition, but if there are other signs or when the patient wants to ensure the most accurate results, you should go to the hospital for a test and get the test and advice given by a doctor.

Diagnosing blood in the semen

To diagnose bloody ejaculation, your doctor will rely on the patient’s symptoms including pink, red, brown semen, or through a test for red blood cells in the semen.

Subclinical tests that help accurately identify this condition include:

• Abdominal ultrasound: Thanks to this method will help doctors assess the condition of the kidneys, bladder, prostate gland.

• Testicular ultrasound: Through ultrasound, the doctor will identify the epididymitis, varicose veins, and other problems if any.

• Transrectal ultrasound: This is a technique that brings high diagnostic value in diseases related to the prostate gland and seminal vesicles such as seminal vesicles, prostate calcification, seminal vesicles, ejaculatory duct obstruction (EDO), and seminal vesicle cysts.

• Subdivision magnetic resonance imaging: This is a diagnostic imaging method that offers the highest diagnostic value in the examination of the seminal vesicle, prostate gland, often indicated in case the doctor suspects to have symptoms after a rectal ultrasound.

• Laparoscopy: Usually, when the patient ejaculates blood with a period of more than 3 months but no cause is found, or when the ejaculation is bleeding for a long time and there is an abnormality of the sac sperm through ultrasound or MRI magnetic resonance imaging.

• Semen test: Perform a semen chart, culture test to find the presence of bacteria in semen or find malignant cells present in semen.

Culture tests help find the cause of blood in the semen

• Urine test: Help your doctor evaluate the severity of urinary tract infections if any.

• Blood test: This is a test to determine blood count, coagulation function status, blood sedimentation rate, PSA test (capable of helping to orient the risk of patients with prostate cancer).

However, not all cases need to do all the above tests. Depending on the specific case such as the condition, age, the time when the condition occurs, and the accompanying signs, the doctor will determine the cause and decide the patient needs to test the edema. to find out the cause and get treatment.

In case the patient is still worried and wants more information to be prepared, you can call Diag’s online consultation call center – a prestigious medical diagnostic test center in Ho Chi Minh City for more detailed information, confidential information, and the fastest appointment booking.

When there are symptoms of blood in the semen, quickly go to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment

What phenomenon is ejaculation blood? Hopefully, through this article, you have found the answer to this question. To ensure the safety of men’s health, as soon as there are symptoms of bleeding ejaculation, especially with other abnormal signs, you need to quickly go to the hospital to be diagnosed by specialists and receive an appropriate treatment regimen.

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